Somaly Nou Somaly Nou

A Therapist's Perspective: The Importance of Play for Adults

The importance of play has an impact on our mental and physical health. Accessing that part of ourselves can even lead to healing for those who may struggle with perfectionism, anxiety, and the daily stress of life.

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Somaly Nou Somaly Nou

How to be Kind to Yourself When Depressed

Self-compassion can be difficult, but this is especially true for those who are experiencing depression; things that once seem manageable become a lot harder. Depression is sometimes an absence of feelings or the lack of joy or motivation that one can experience. As one's moods impact one's life, the person may also experience a more critical part of oneself where kindness and self-compassion can be more complicated to access.

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Somaly Nou Somaly Nou

Embodiment: Why our Body is the Key to Healing

I get many calls from prospective clients expressing concerns regarding previous experiences in therapy where they either felt like nothing was changing or that things had shifted to a certain extent. However, they have reached a roadblock in their healing journey.

After all, there is only so much self-awareness one can gain. Does awareness create change if one's internal systems work at odds?

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